Useful Airport Security Tips for a Hassle Free Flight Experience

By Alice Ross | TRAVEL TIPS

Jan 25
airport security tips

As you probably know, airport rules are not set in stone – they change from time to time and they change without prior notice. This rule changes highly apply to airline security checkpoints. For some, going through airport security can be stressful. But by following these useful airport security tips, you will have idea what to do when you get to the airport and to make sure you can have a hassle-free airport entry. 


But first, how does airport security work and why do we have to go through them?

Well, these questions are easy to answer. This is very important in order to stop travelers from carrying and deploying contrabands that may cause dangers to people on board. Similarly, anyone can easily load up a plane with a bomb that may kill people.

There usually are three steps you need to go through when it comes to airport security. 

Step 1: Checking of Personal Identity

Of course, the first step is to go through the airport security that will require you a proof of your personal identification.


When checking in at the airport, make sure to have your ID or passport handy as you more likely have to show it on the gate, depending on the airport’s protocol. However, that might not be enough. There might be some sort of biometrics to be used to make sure that you’re not falsifying your documents.

Biometrics is a process that involves checking of fingerprints, doing facial and/or retinal scans using the computers that are advanced quality. Biometrics mostly is important in order to recognize past terrorists.

Step 2: Tracking Your Luggage

There have been terrorists who have been known to discretely put explosives in another person's luggage without them knowing it. That’s why you might be asked some questions that you may find weird. Just answer them with confidence.


Step 3: Walking Through the Metal Detector

The phase to follow is the checkpoint where you have to enter the metal detector. This usually resembles a door frame that, well, detects metals that leads to electronic pulses.

Before you enter, you’ll be required to remove your shoes, jackets, belts, laptop, and take out the content of your pockets and put them in the plastic bin that will also go through the X-ray. After that, you will have to walk through the metal detector to make sure that you no longer have metal objects on your body. When you’re done, you can then put back your shoes and belt on and put everything to where you got them from.

Now that you are finished with the security, let’s look further on some useful airport security tips. Keep in mind that if there are unusual objects in your carry-on luggage, that may be hazardous, as a smoke detector, you should inform a staff and ask them the best thing you could do.

Useful Airport Security Tips

Know your airport


You must know about your airport other than its location. Are you going through a small airport or you need to go to one that is much busier? What entrance is the best one to use? These are important questions to answer. Doing a little research will make your life easier.

Prepare for multiple checkpoints

First of all, what many people don’t realize is that there’s not only one checkpoint to go through on airports. The common number is three. The first checkpoint would be the ticket desk, where you meet the airline staff to do the check in and get your boarding pass. You will be required to show your identification so make sure to have it ready.

The next checkpoint is before the immigration where you have to present your passport and visa. The last one is another security check in to make sure you don’t have prohibited items in your luggage.

Separate your check-in and carry on before going to the airport


Even before you get to the first check-in, make sure that you put your stuff in the right bag. Usually, you’ll have a bag to check in and a smaller one you want to bring on the plane with you. Remember that there are items you can’t put inside your carry-on luggage, though!

Be wary of the prohibited items

There are some things that are not just allowed for you to take on the plane – whether check in order not. So, if you want to avoid delays, avoid carrying questionable items in your bag. Some of the contrabands you don’t want to bring with you include:

banned metals
  • Guns, firearms, and other devices that discharge projectiles
  • Stunning devices
  • Objects with sharp points and edges
  • Workers’ tools
  • Blunt instruments
  • Explosives and incendiary substances and devices
  • Prescribed medications without a prescription
  • Illegal drugs

Get there on time

Keep in mind that you’re going through the airport security screening at the same time as the other people trying to get to their flight on time. There are some simple hacks to follow to make sure you’re not going to get late for your flight.

airport time

First of all, plan out at least a day before what time you are going to the airport. As many airlines suggest, be at the airport at least 3 hours if you are flying international and 1 hour if it’s domestic. The driving time is not included in this time requirement. The next hack is to do everything you can do as early as possible. You can check-in your flight online so that you don’t have to fall in line and simply drop your baggage or go straight to the boarding area if you don’t have a check-in baggage.

Minimize metal

There’s a specific amount of metal that you are allowed to bring and go through the security scan, going more than that may cause for the alarm to go off. However, it’s not much so you would like to make sure and get rid of as much as metal as you can.

Plan ahead

Before standing at the airport security scanner, make sure to remove everything you can like a watch, shoes, mobile phone, wallet, and put them in your pocket or carry-on bag. As you reach the scanner, there will be less thing you need to put out of your bag – you may simply lay your bags, let them through, and go. Once you are on the boarding gate, you can simply put back your stuff if you want.


Order in for Order out

It’s pretty common for there to have a huge bag jam after the airport security scanner because everyone has to wait to pick their bags up from the conveyor. If you are able to minimize waiting time, you definitely can. Your rolling luggage is probably the first thing to be placed on the conveyor. Then your laptop bag, your carry-on, then if the security requires it, your shoes and your coat.

When your rolling luggage comes out, you can simply lift it up and put it down. Then the other ones would be so easy to remove. A brief pause might be necessary to get your shoes on and then you’re ready to go.

Follow the Rules

It’s so simple, isn’t it? There will be no exceptions and the TSA agents are going to see if your shoes and coat are still on, so just make sure you obey them. There will be a different person that specifically monitors that. Be there on time so you don’t have to rush running to the checkpoint and pushing yourself to get first in the line.


If you’ve ever been to an airport before, then you surely know how airport security can be quite frustrating, especially if you are rushing to get to your flight on time. However, by following these airport security tips above, you can surely minimize the hassle you may have to encounter while at the airport.

I hope this article has been helpful. If it did, then make sure to share this article on your social media pages to help your friends as well. On the other hand, if you have questions or suggestions about this topic, then let us know about it in the comment below!

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About the Author

Hi, I’m Alice Ross, a long-term traveler who left the corporate world to travel the world. I chose to live life on my own phase and live day by day while immersing myself in new experiences, new knowledge, and new people in a different walk of life I met along the way.

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